Kay’s First Day to Dayhome

My little angle when she was 14 months old

Yesterday was the first day Kay went to the dayhome.  I have to say the preparation for it was nerves wrecking.  There were alot of mixed feelings. 

I know there are a lot of benefits in sending Kay to a dayhome.  She could meet, interact and play with friends of her age.   She will learn about sharing, discipline, being independent and everything else that an only child at home would have difficulties understanding.  As for me, I get some personal time when she is away.  I will enjoy my shopping trip, my coffee time at Starbuck and I will get more rest and chores done during the day and not have to wait until she goes to bed at night.  I can go back to work and mostly both Kay and I will cherish each other more because absence makes the heart grows fonder.

On the other hand, I am worry if she will be in good hands.  I dread to think of the first few days of her transition in the new environment with new people.  The most part of me does not want to separate with her.  She has been my constant companion since we arrived in Canada.  We sleep together, eat together, play together, sing together, dance together, read together, pray together, shop together, watch the birds together, walk the dog together, stroll at the park together, watch TV together, sometimes cook together, laugh together, cheer together and cry together…..so it is really difficult to let her go.  In fact when I told a friend, Barb, about Kay started her dayhome since yesterday, she said “awwww….did you cry?” Thinking she was talking to Kay, I turned to Kay and said in a baby voice “yeees, I did.”

Barb looked at me and said “I mean you.” I smiled and kept quiet.  This time Barb looked at Kay and said “seems like mommy cried a little too.” 😀  

Little Kay seems to know what is going on too.  The night before she woke up at 435am and cried intermitternly.  She asked to be carried by mommy all the time.  She didn’t let me lie down so I hugged her the whole time until she agreed to go back to sleep at 6am. 

Kay first day at day home was pretty typical.  She cried and wanted mommy as expected.  She refused to nap in the bedroom so the babysitter let her play in the living room and she fell asleep with her panda bear there.  At the end of the day when I picked her up, she dashed towards me with her arm wide open gesturing she wants to be carried the same time screaming “mommy mommy bao bao, bao bao”.  At night, it took her more than an hour to fall asleep.  We lied on the bed and Kay was very chatty.  With her limited vocaburlary she repeatedly said:

“Mommy, auntie” (she means the babysitter)

“Auntie bu-yao” (she means she doesn’t want to go to the dayhome)

“Mommy, uncle” (she means the babysitter’s husband)

“Mommy, Kendrick (she means a new friend at the playhome)

“Mommy, “f” you” (she means “I Love You”.  Click here to check post about I “F” You.)

“Mommy, saaaayang” (and she held both my hands, pull towards her and caress her face and then back to caressing my face)

“Mommy, daddy”

“Mommy, hug hug”

“Mommy, sui jiau” (she means to sleep besides her)

My little angle.

5 thoughts on “Kay’s First Day to Dayhome

  1. Hmmm….. my tears coming out. 😦

    I will go thru the same when I am sending KY to nursery one day. Kids are so smart nowadays, unlike our time, bodoh-bodoh. They know what’s going on at their surrounding. When JV was still in kindergarten, KY will say “yau” if you ask whether he wants to go to Okiki (JV’s kindergarten). Now, he will shakes his head because he knew JV no longer in Okiki.

    Don’t worry, mommy, Kay is a brave girl, give her a few days and she will adapt to it. Looking forward for more updates!!

  2. Oh, poor thing for both of you…. Tough on mommy to hear those words and yet still have to send her off to day care the next day. Hope the transition period will get over quickly. Are the “aunty” and “uncle” nice and friendly?

  3. Aunty and Uncle are both nice people. Aunty is actually from East Malaysia that came to Canada 19 years ago and married uncle, a Canadian. The couple in their late 40s have no kid. They stay a few blocks away from in laws’ so sending off and picking up Kay will be convenient. Having said that, today is the 3rd day for Kay at the dayhome and it is still not easy……I will write about it later. Big hugs to you ladies.

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